Why I don’t vote (or watch anything political)

Throw your phones and TVs in the trash in 2025

I’m in the waiting room of Walmart Auto while my tires are getting changed, it’s lunch hour and the TV beside me is buzzing, “Trump wins!”

My reaction?

“Oh cool, I totally forgot about the election.” 

I’m not kidding. 

This was the day after the results came in. Most people will find me weird for this but I don’t care. So many of the same people with crooked looks are riddled with anxiety that’s living rent-free in their minds. Why? For the sake of “being informed.”

It’s not worth losing your mind over. If the world is falling apart, someone will tell you about it. You’re good.

Politics are reality TV, nothing to do with positive change. Turn on the news and all you see is sensationalized stories–death, scandal, murder, crashes, FEAR! It’s staged to distract people from actually doing something about their lives. All of it is completely out of your control. 

The bad things that happen in the world cannot be changed by you and me. Oh, but that’s why we band together to destroy poverty and end war, right? What?!?!

War and poverty have existed for centuries. Do you believe going to a poll with a little card is going to change that? NO! Human nature will not change with a new president. The only way we will improve is by starting with ourselves. 

You must improve your default state of mind. That means eliminating all distractions that you come across. Including the biggest form of fear-mongering and propaganda – politics.

I don’t pay a lick of attention to the TV. All it does is draw anxiety and that shit is contagious. It drains the energy you could be using to get in shape, make more money with better skills, or stop to analyze your emotions when your significant other pisses you off.

Trump sounds like a powerful guy who wants to make a positive change. But he isn’t going to fix your marriage, eat better food to fix your brain fog, or lower taxes enough for you to achieve financial freedom.

But I’ll tell you the only person who can–YOU.

So why are you still listening to other people tell you how to feel and what to think? Why do you wait for approval from “authority figures” to permit you to work on yourself? It’s silly. 

Here’s something to consider.

  • Turn off the TV (or trash it)

  • Block your social media newsfeed

  • And cut off people who continue to ramble on about their indoctrinated views.

Instead, go train at the gym, meditate, read a book about a subject that excites you, or find a community online to cultivate that hobby you’ve always wanted to try. It’ll pay back tenfold. Trust me.

Your mind is a sponge, so if you consume bad news, that means your reality will be bad news.

Stay clear, calm, and creative,

Brand Marz.


99% of the time, your limited willpower should go to things you can control.

No shame to anyone who gets involved in politics but it’s more harmful than helpful to your subconscious mind.

Why not use that lost energy to go to the gym, do a little bit of meal prep, or take a walk in nature without screens? If you need some guidance, check out my coaching.


or to participate.